One way to combat this trend is to ensure your assisted living facility and its benefits remains at the forefront of the minds of those who might be considering a different housing option for their parents. Marketing for assisted living communities focuses on reaching the adult children who are making housing decisions for their parents. You need to make sure your facility is viewed as a quality, caring facility that is the right choice for those who need help. Here are some assisted living marketing tips that might help you in that endeavor.
Become the Expert on Elder Care
Most adult children or caretakers arrive at the decision to place their parents or loved ones in assisted living after a significant amount of research about elder care. Make your website and blog the places to go for information. Add email marketing campaigns that deliver helpful information to the recipient’s inbox. If you are the expert source on elder care that can be trusted for advice on issues facing loved ones at home, you will likely be the expert they trust when additional help is needed.
To become this assisted living expert, you must have a website. Talk to an assisted living marketing company to discuss web design, and make sure your website is easy to navigate on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. Avoid an overly sales-focused message — instead, showcase your facility subtly, while providing helpful information for families potentially in need of assisted living care.