Being able to connect with prospects when they’re looking for you is a huge game-changer for business ROI. It makes lead generation easier and encourages more bookings at your facility.
A Few Facts About SEO for Assisted Living Facilities
Most potential residents and their families will click the top three results from search engines, so it matters how high you rank.
Search traffic tends to provide a good ROI, because the searchers already want what you have.
The right keywords can make a big difference in search traffic and the conversions generated from that traffic.
What assisted living SEO services should you be using? How can an assisted living SEO company boost your website traffic, drive conversions and increase your revenue? To help answer these questions, here are a few tips relating to assisted living SEO.
- Your website needs to be responsive. A responsive website is one that displays properly on a wide range of devices — desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. In today’s assisted living industry, it’s a necessity. Not only will your prospects look for you while they’re on the go, but also search engines give more value to sites that are mobile-ready.
- Localization Is key. As a local business looking to attract local customers, you can’t overemphasize the value of clearly communicating your geographic location online. This is even more important when you consider that search engines can display mapped results for users who search for terms such as “assisted living San Diego”.
- You need relevant content. Search engines gather information about websites from their content. The more quality content (webpages, blog posts, etc.) you can create — targeting specific keywords — the better you’ll be able to communicate what you do to search engines. Then, when someone is looking for a facility, you’re that much easier to find.
- Link building matters. While about 25 percent of SEO is related to on-site elements such as website content, content hierarchy and mobile-readiness, the other 75 percent is about links. Search engines want to see that other sites think you’re valuable, and the greatest endorsement they can provide is a link to you. How do you get more websites linking to yours? An assisted living SEO firm will be able to help you strategize for shareable content, as well as off-site content publishing that acquires links pointing back to your site, helping you communicate authority to search engines.
To learn more about which assisted living SEO services represent the most potential for your business, you’ll want to partner with a professional assisted living SEO company that understands the industry.