Dermatology Web Design Firm

When looking for a dermatologist, there are abundant options available. That’s why, for dermatology clinics and professionals to stand out, website design is important.

Before potential new patients contact your office, they probably have formed an opinion of you and an impression of your facility — via your website design. Since so many people research and locate medical professionals online these days, dermatologists need strong, strategic websites in order to attract new patients.

Any dermatology practice wanting an increase in leads can benefit from the support of a dermatology web design agency. A professional dermatology web design firm understands the industry, as well as how websites can help dermatologists drum up more business.

What are the hallmarks of effective dermatology websites? Here are some examples.

Intuitive organization

The best dermatology website design naturally and intuitively guides users through pages and content. Avoid cluttering the site with extraneous information; streamline to include what’s most important. Choose — and stick to — a basic color scheme. Keep your navigation menu to six (or fewer) items, focusing on the site’s most important content.

Professional photography

Pictures will often communicate more than plain text, especially in an appearance-oriented field such as dermatology. Skip the stock photos and feature high-quality images that highlight your practice and its services.

Responsive website design

A large percentage of your website visitors will come via mobile devices, so you can’t afford to ignore responsive design — which makes pages adaptable to a variety of devices and screen sizes. Responsive design ensures that your site loads properly regardless if visitors are on smartphones or desktop computers.

Fresh content

Websites that aren’t regularly updated lose credibility and lack authority. Furthermore, they miss opportunities to engage prospects. By constantly updating your site’s content — through blogging, for example — you can boost SEO and provide value to readers. Valuable content answers questions, highlights clinic updates and news, and/or encourages users to share it elsewhere online.

Calls to action

Ultimately, you want prospective patients to contact your office, schedule a consultation or fill out a form. A professional dermatology web design company can help you craft calls to action that drive better results, as well as figure out where to place them throughout your site.

Commitment to privacy

As with any website in the medical field, a dermatology site needs to take patient privacy seriously. Include HIPAA-compliant patient forms, use proper SSL certificates to encrypt sensitive data, and devise a privacy policy to build credibility with users.


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