Why Work with a Professional Education SEO Company?
In today’s Internet-driven world, it’s no surprise that the majority of prospective students go online to learn more about schools and programs. When they hunt for the right matches for their needs, SEO helps them find you. That’s why, to boost your search results and capture more of the market share in education, your school needs strategic education SEO services.
Search engines are designed to scour the Internet and find the most relevant answers to searchers’ questions, but it’s an inexact science. Search engines aren’t humans and can’t see your campus photos, watch the administrator’s welcome video or understand content in the same ways humans can. This is why SEO exists — to communicate effectively to search engines and get you higher placement in results. With that in mind, a professional education SEO firm will use a wide range of strategies to get you noticed by search engines and enhance your rankings.
Responsive Web Design for a Mobile World
Search engines like responsive websites (websites that cater to various devices, screen sizes and orientations) because responsive websites serve users better. Today, with so many prospects looking for information about schools on their smartphones and tablets, it’s more important than ever to have a website that performs well on both desktops and other devices. Not only does this make your school more accessible to more prospects, but it also lets the search engines know you care about a good visitor experience.
Long-Form Content for Driving Interest
The Internet is all about content — web pages, articles, blog posts and more. Long-form content is an ideal opportunity to both communicate about your school to prospects, and give search engines keyword-optimized content to use in search results. Quality content is also shareable. As it gets spread across sites and networks, search engines take notice — and view that content as more valuable and relevant for users.
Link-Building Strategies to Increase Site Value
While roughly 25 percent of SEO concerns on-site elements such as website organization, content, etc., the other 75 percent is about links. In other words, the volume and quality of links pointing back to your school’s site has a major impact on its value in the minds of search engines. Savvy SEO includes a plan for creating link-worthy content that will encourage more sites to point back to yours. It will also include shares, submissions and marketing to get your content in more places online.