How You Might Be Doing Your Local Listings On Google Wrong, and How You Can Turn Things Around
You say you are getting all customers you need, but are you really? Yes, you could get by(in the short term)with the minimal amount of effort you are putting forth. The question is, will that sustain you enough to reach your long term goals? What you might need is a tune up concerning your web design content and SEO page brand.Here are some common mistakes you could be making right now, and do not even know it.
123Google Local Listings2-3: The Lcoal Listings Mistakes That Might Be Costing You Some Business
1) Are you listing everything you should on your contact and local listings pages? Some people only do the Yelp or Googly Business stuff and leave the rest go. You might be one of those people.
There are three main tiers for business listings you need to know about.
a) First tier includes things like Google, Apple, Yelp, and Facebook.
b) Second tier includes things like The Yellow Pages, Hot Frog, and the Merchant Circles.
c) Third tier includes things like the niche business directories(specific to small and local companies).
You need to include all three tiers kcb janitors to make an impact with your local SEO listings.
2) Did you go through and check for inaccurate, missing, or misspelled information? Not having all the right information available could be what is costing you some business.
3) Are you responding to the reviews? Yeah, that is going to help. Some people do not like to respond because some people get too snarky online(for whatever reason).
It is a good idea to respond to as many inquiries as you can, even some of the bad ones. Difussing some of the problems right away might afford you more customers.
4) How many of you are setting things up only to forget about it later? You cannot simply set it and forget it. Your business is going to suffer when you do not monitor your activity regularly.
You may need some help with all of that. That brings us to the final talking point.
You can turn all of this around by clicking on the site below to find out more.
Please visit for information on Google Analytics, ads space, and SEO optimization services now for help.