Tips on Marketing For Higher Education
There’s no denying that academia is a competitive marketplace today. This means that colleges and universities need more than reputation and word of mouth to attract new students. In order to stand out, they need strategic higher education marketing that gets them out in front of the competition. They need a way to connect with prospects where they are — online, at events, etc. This is why, for most institutions, the best resource to enhance visibility and increase leads is a higher education marketing company that specializes in targeting a particular audience.
The Importance of a Clear Value Proposition
In order for an educational institution to stand out in the marketplace, it needs a clear, cohesive message — one that proves and advertises the value of its degrees. Each college or university needs to identify what makes it stand out as a good choice over competing schools. Then, that messaging can be used across multiple channels to increase public attention and new prospects. A higher education marketing agency will help an educational institution identify its unique features and qualities worth marketing.
What a Higher Education Marketing Company Offers
For colleges and universities, a higher education marketing agency becomes a dedicated partner, committed to achieving the institution’s goals. Looking at the school’s value proposition, features, programs and key competitors, it will be able to formulate a strategy for generating new leads and turning them into prospects. Today, a good marketing strategy will likely include both online and offline efforts in order to achieve the best results.
Effective Higher Education Marketing Services Available Today
In terms of spreading an educational institution’s message and attracting new students, there are a variety of higher education marketing services that can be effective today. Some examples include:
- Email Marketing: Once considered a dying marketing strategy, email has made a recent resurgence, especially in industries such as higher education. What makes the difference is strategy. Through custom, personalized, targeted emails, many schools are seeing greater success. A higher education marketing firm can help a university identify who it’s emailing and why, in order to better prospect via this marketing tool.
- Internet Marketing: In today’s marketplace, no one can afford not to be online. Prospective students are on their computers and phones most of the time, so it only makes sense to go there to reach them. From responsive web design to SEO and PPC, there are a variety of Internet marketing strategies used today to take advantage of the power of the Web. Educational institutions will find using online means to target specific interest groups can be highly effective.
- Events and Tradeshows: From academic fairs to college PR events, in-person marketing can be powerfully effective. Schools need clear, cohesive branding to make the most of these events, which is another service a higher education marketing firm can provide.