Loan Website Design Company

In loan marketing, relationships are everything. People need to know, like and trust you before they will choose you as their go-to lender for mortgages and other personal and business loans. Growing and working your network is therefore critical, but don’t make the mistake of relying on local networking and word of mouth alone to grow your business.

97 percent of consumers look online for local businesses, so having a strong online presence is essential — starting with professional website design. Your website is the hub of your online marketing, so it’s important to invest in loan web design services that will put you in the best light and generate new leads for your mortgage or loan company. A reputable loan web design company will create a site for you that includes the following loan website design best practices to help grow your network online.

Mobile-Responsive Design

A large percentage of local search takes place on smartphones and tablets, and nearly 80 percent of these searches lead to a sale. Your site needs to look good and function well on all types of mobile devices, as well as on desktop screens. Be sure the loan web design firm you choose to design your site has expertise in building websites that are mobile-friendly.

Professional Appearance

Nothing sets off alarm bells in a potential client’s mind more than poor grammar and misspellings on your site. Generic stock photos are also a no-no; they do nothing to set the tone for a good relationship with your customers. Instead, why not use professional photos of your staff, along with scenes from your local area?

Your loan website should also look clean and inviting. Avoid clunky sidebars and other design elements that make you look dated. Your loan web design company can help you choose a theme and color palette that enhances your brand and projects a professional image.

Lots of Useful Content

As you know, the more you educate your clients, the better your relationship and the more likely they are to choose your services. Here are some ideas for using your website to greatly enhance the educational services you offer your clients:

  • Post useful content regularly on your blog.
  • Post educational videos.
  • Host an educational webinar and make the replay available on your site.
  • Create useful reports, case studies, checklists and other items; make them available for download on your site.

Uploading fresh content on your site regularly encourages repeat visits. It can also help to improve your search engine rankings so more people find you online.

Lead Generation Tools

Not every site visitor is ready to talk to you right away. Getting them to sign up for your online newsletter is an effective and cost-efficient way to continue to build your relationship until they are ready to come to you for a loan. A reputable loan web design agency will know how to create an opt-in form that overcomes their reluctance and gets them to join your email list.

Many of the content ideas listed above can also be leveraged to boost lead generation, either in concert with your email marketing or through direct calls to action — which should be frequent and highly visible on your site. Don’t forget to make your contact information easy to find, too!

Professional vs. Out-of-the-box Loan Website Design

The difference between an out-of-the-box website and a professional, high-performance site that will result in more business is not always obvious at first glance. A professional, custom website that employs these and other loan web design best practices will expand your reach, amplify your existing networking efforts, and make your loan company’s website a genuine asset to your business.


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