Personal Trainer SEO Services

Any trainer who’s been in the industry for a while knows the higher turnover rate associated with training.

Existing clients move out of town, switch gyms, go another direction in their workout routines or otherwise stop training with you — and that means you’re always on the hunt for new clients. With that in mind, a personal trainer SEO firm could be your solution to consistently, successfully driving more business.

How Could a Personal Trainer SEO Company Help You?

By taking advantage of the fact that there are always more people looking for personal training services, personal training SEO targets interested prospects by implementing strategic, research-backed personal trainer SEO services. From savvy website design to keyword-optimized content, here are a few ways that SEO can build your online authority for increased traffic, leads and business.

  1. Responsive website design. Your website may look great on a desktop computer, but how does it work on mobile devices? When people in your area search for trainers on their smartphones, you want it to be easy for them to connect with you. Likewise, making your website responsive is important to search engines. One way they determine if a site is authoritative is by how usable it is for visitors.
  2. Keyword-optimized content. Working with a personal trainer SEO agency can help you nail down the best keywords to target with content. Professional SEO experts know how to research the industry and what terms are getting traffic. Then, they can help you tap into that traffic stream through well-written, original content.
  3. Proper content hierarchy. Search engines need to see how your pages and posts connect to one another, so a personal trainer SEO company will make sure your site is designed with a proper hierarchy that communicates to search engines.
  4. Optimized media. As smart as search engines are, they aren’t humans. They can’t look at a photo of you in the gym and understand what it shows, and they can’t watch a training video and grab all the keywords mentioned. As a result, your site needs to include alt text for images and transcripts for videos that lets search engines know what information they contain.
  5. Strategic link building. While about 25 percent of SEO involves on-site optimization such as website design and content creation, the other 75 percent is geared toward building. Search engines judge your personal training website’s authority on the quantity and quality of the sites that are linking to you. While getting other businesses and blogs to link to you isn’t always easy, it is worthwhile and doable with a smart link-building campaign. Through guest posts and other strategies, you can effectively build links to tell search engines that you’re a useful authority online.


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