Senior Living Web Design Firm

There are plenty of options from which to choose when someone needs a senior living facility. Did you know your website is a chance to convince prospective clients to do business with you?

Before someone schedules an in-person visit or consultation, it’s highly likely he or she already has researched your facility online. Choosing an assisted living facility or nursing home is a very personal decision, which is why your senior living website design is so important. It can serve as a great first impression — leading to new business — or a turnoff that sends prospects elsewhere.

What Does Your Senior Living Website Design Need?

Who is visiting your website? Typically, seniors or adult children of seniors who are researching living options for elderly parents. What do these people want to see? An environment that promotes attentive care, comfortable conditions and amenities tailored for seniors. When you work with a senior living web design agency, you gain the support of professionals who know how to effectively promote your business.

Here are some examples of the elements a senior living web design company will likely include in the creation or improvement of your website.

  • Credibility elements. You are looking to build trust with visitors and convince them your facility is a safe place to live, so credibility elements are crucial in your website design. Think photo tours, testimonials from happy residents and their families, and a list of any relevant associations, affiliations or credentials.
  • Beautiful photos. Showcase all your facility has to offer through crisp, attractive, professional photography that gives visitors a sense of what they can expect at your location.
  • Large fonts and simple navigation. When you’re marketing to a senior population and their loved ones, you need to make your site as clear and easy to use as possible. Choose a simple, streamlined design that highlights your most important information. Use text that’s large and easy to read. Keep the navigation menu to six or fewer items to avoid overwhelming your audience.
  • Responsive design. More than half of modern web users today are on mobile devices, hence the need for a senior living website that naturally adapts to whatever viewing device people are using. A responsive design ensures that visitors have optimal viewing experiences whether they’re on smartphones or desktop computers.
  • Clear calls to action. If the goal of your site is to get prospects to call you or fill out a contact form, you need to ask them with clear, compelling calls to action. A senior living web design agency can help by creating verbiage designed to convert, set on buttons that prompt users to click or call.


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